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  1. Professionalism and Work Ethic
















2.  Critical Thinking Skills


The individual can gain the importance of attitude, learn communication skills, teamwork, build relationships and how people can balance their life.




  • Explain what it means to think critically.

  • Discuss the difference between facts and opinions.

  • Describe the three steps involved in the critical thinking process.

  • Explain how the nursing process relates to critical thinking.

  • Demonstrate critical thinking as you perform your client care.



3.  Stress Management Skills


The community can understand how to manage stress through four steps: Awareness, Acceptance, Coping and Action.  Stressed is Desserts Spelled Back Word!




  • Define the stress that can cause physical, mental and emotional damage. 

  • Discuss at least two causes and symptoms of increased stress. 

  • Describe coping techniques by using four specific skills that you have learned. 

  • Explain how relaxation techniques help people to cope with stress. 



4.  Working as a Team


Developing a team approach, understand how each person’s decisions and attitudes has an impact an individual.




  • Identify your personality type and describe how it can help or hurt the team. 

  • Describe the different members of your team and each team member’s duties. 

  • Explain how you can support the work of your team members. 

  • Demonstrate how to communicate with your healthcare team. 

  • List at least four things you can do to improve the performance of your team to serve the client.



5.  Normal Aging Process


The ability to comprehend the risk of infections, common healthcare-acquired diseases and the role handwashing and personal protective equipment place in controlling infection.




  • List at least five known factors that influence the aging process.

  • Describe at least three age-related changes. 

  • Explain how the negative impact of poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and obesity affect the quality of life.

  •  List examples of the normal aging process in your daily work with clients.



6.  An Infection Control Update


It is essential caregivers comprehend the risk of infections, common healthcare-acquired diseases, and the role handwashing and personal protective equipment play in infection control.  




  • Outline events associated with the chain of infection and discuss your role in breaking the chain.

  • Discuss the importance of proper handwashing as part of your daily infection control practices.

  • Describe the actions and personal protective equipment (PPE) associated with standard and transmission-based precautions.

  • Explain how and why some bacterial infections have become resistant to drugs.

  • Demonstrate proper infection control precautions in their daily work.



7.  A Vital Signs Update


The program provides a review of the five basic vital signs and understanding of normal ranges for each vital sign, evaluation in skill set, documentation and how to report abnormal results.  




  • Explain how checking vital signs provides crucial medical information. 

  • Recognize the normal range for each of the vital signs. 

  • Demonstrate the correct skillset for obtaining vital signs. 

  • Discuss the importance of reporting vital sign results. 

  • Demonstrate the correct way to document a client’s vital signs.  



8.  Bathing Tips


The program will address bath time personal care procedures, provides many practical tips to help improve personal care, safety and maintain proper infection control.




  • Name at least five different goals for bathing.

  • Describe at least five physical changes you should observe during bath time.

  • Demonstrate proper infection control procedures during the bathing process.

  • Maintain your client’s comfort, safety and privacy during the bathing process.

  • Demonstrate the correct procedures for assisting with a partial bath, full bath, and a shower.



9.  Beyond the Bathtub (bathing alternatives)


This course reviews alternative approaches to bathing–including how to create a bathing routine that is client-centered.




  • Recognize and empathize with the most common barriers to bathing.

  • Explain the importance of using a client-centered approach to bathing.

  • Describe at least six bathing methods that can be used to overcome common barriers.

  • Demonstrate client-centered care when bathing and create a list of useful supplies needed.



10.  Dressing and Grooming your Clients


Caregivers will review the benefits of dressing and grooming, the purposes of adaptive clothing and assistive devices. They will maintain a client’s comfort, privacy, and safety.




  • Explain the benefits of dressing and grooming.

  • Explain the purposes of adaptive clothing and assistive devices.

  • Discuss general dressing and grooming tips.

  • List at least three comforts, safety and infection control tips for the grooming process.

  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the grooming process throughout your daily work.



11.  Feeding Your Clients


The program includes information on eating problems such as poor appetite, reflux, nausea, choking, and difficulty with swallowing.  Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care, the hand-under-hand technique will be discussed and practiced.




  • Describe the five main steps of the eating process and what issues may arise at each level. 

  • Name at least five factors that put people at risk for eating issues. 

  • Discuss how you can help clients with the six eating problems. 

  • Describe the modified food pyramid and how it applies to the client. 

  • Demonstrate proper technique in assisting and spoon-feeding clients.



12.   Perineal and Catheter Care


This program includes information on perineal care for both male and female, review of the urinary tract system, the prevention of infection, information about catheter care and testing of skill set. 




  • Describe the anatomy of the urinary tract system and identify key terms. 

  • Identify three ways aging affects the urinary system.

  • Outline the procedure for providing excellent perineal care for both males and females.

  • Discuss urinary tract infections, how they occur and how you can help prevent them.

  • Discuss urinary catheters and how to care for a client with a catheter.



13.  Understanding Fall Risk Factors


This material provides caregivers with an overview of the factors that put clients at risk for falls, including age, medical, and environmental hazards.  It includes ways that employees can help keep high-risk clients stay safe.




  • Discuss how the normal aging process affects a person’s risk of falling.

  • List at least three risk factors of falling.

  • Describe how to evaluate the environment for potential safety hazards.

  • Describe at least five ways you can help your clients prevent falls.

  • Discuss the proper procedure for reporting a fall to a supervisor. 



14. Recognizing & Reporting Abnormal Observations


Focuses on observing vital signs, pain, mental status, nutrition, elimination, skin and family relationships, recognizing abnormal findings and the importance of reporting information to the supervisor.  




  • Distinguish between normal and abnormal observations in your clients.

  • Identify the specific course of action to take with each abnormal observation you encounter.

  • List at least three abnormal observations you might make regarding vital signs, mental status, nutrition, 

and pain.

  • Distinguish between objective and subjective observations.

  • Demonstrate the ability to recognize and report abnormal observations.



15. Parkinson’s Disease


This course includes information on how caregivers can help their Parkinson’s Disease clients cope with the disease and meet their physical, nutritional, psychosocial and emotional needs.  




  • Name and describe the four main symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

  • Name and describe at least six other secondary symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

  • Name and describe the five stages of Parkinson’s disease.

  • Describe at least six ways to help your Parkinson’s clients stay safe and be as healthy as possible.

  • Demonstrate at least three ways to help your Parkinson’s clients in their daily activities.



16.  First Aid

The program offers tips on handling the top ten emergencies:  falls, cuts, choking, seizures, burns and more.




  • Discuss why it is vital for you to learn basic first aid and why your goal should be NEVER to have to use it!

  • Describe six necessary steps for handling any emergency.

  • Recognize the difference between conditions that require basic first aid and those that require emergency medical attention.

  • Demonstrate primary first aid tips for various situations, including falls, cuts, burns, choking, seizures, and poisoning.

  • List at least four examples of safety precautions you can take to prevent injuries from ever happening.




The individual can gain the importance of attitude, learn communication skills, teamwork, build relationships and how people can balance their life. 




  • Define professionalism, work ethic and discuss how they influence each other. 

  • List at least six personal qualities that demonstrate professionalism. 

  • Give at least three examples of how to communicate professionally with clients and co-workers. 


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